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Last seen 10.3 years ago
>Hmm, your answer left me thinking about how to measure distances. Why
>doesnt a distace function just calculate the distance between the
>that are there and leave out the NA:s? I have filtered away with the
>B-test the spots that are supposedly not to be differentially
>and have only a subset of the total number of spots. Three slides of
my 18
>have many NA:s. Should I exclude them therefor because the distance
is to
>/ Marcus
>At 08:21 2003-10-30 +0100, you wrote:
>>>Subject: RE: [BioC] Heatmap function
>>>Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 13:55:43 -0500
>>>Thread-Topic: [BioC] Heatmap function
>>>Thread-Index: AcOeQFWAqheKzfUtT1WkYP+4GKRURgACytsA
>>>From: "Furge, Kyle" <kyle.furge@vai.org>
>>>To: "Marcus" <marcusb@biotech.kth.se>
>>>Cc: <bioconductor@stat.math.ethz.ch>
>>>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by
>>>kiev.biotech.kth.se id h9TJK8Pr030736
>>>This question has come up often at our institute... so here goes
for an
>>>brief, unformal, explanation.
>>>Clustering depends on some type of distance metric to determine how
>>>samples are related
>>>If you have a set of vectors :
>>>x <- c(1,NA,2,NA)
>>>y <- c(NA,2,NA,1)
>>>The pattern of missing values make computing any type of distance
>>>between the vectors incomprehensible. The dist functions return NA
>>>these types of comparisons.
>>>Clustering functions don't like NA because their job is just to
>>>the data. A distance of NA is not understandable.
>>>What some programs do (like Eisen's cluster) is "threshold" the NA
>>>values to some arbitrary "large" distance.
>>>The following dist function computes distances and then replaces
any NA
>>>values with an arbitrarily large distance (10% greater then the
>>>actually distance). This function may be helpful for input into
>>>because NA values are replaced
>>>na.dist <- function(x,...) {
>>> t.dist <- dist(x,...)
>>> t.dist <- as.matrix(t.dist)
>>> t.limit <- 1.1*max(t.dist,na.rm=T)
>>> t.dist[is.na(t.dist)] <- t.limit
>>> t.dist <- as.dist(t.dist)
>>> return(t.dist)
>>>I typed this from memory, so it may contain typo's, but you see the
>>>I hope this helps,
Marcus Gry Bj?rklund
Royal Institute of Technology
AlbaNova University Center
Stockholm Center for Physics, Astronomy and Biotechnology
Department of Molecular Biotechnology
106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone (office): +46 8 553 783 39
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