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Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hi everybody!
I am a beginner in R, and I want to do a barchart with my data. This
is the way
it looks like (it is a data.frame, but it can a matrix as well):
1 2 3
1 Up Down Up
2 Up Up Up
3 NC Up NC
4 Down NC Down
5 Down NC Up
6 Down Down Down
I want to get something like this:
1000 | |U|
900 | |_|
800 | |D|
. | |_|
. | |N|
. | |C|
0 |_| |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 2 3
I have tried this:
> barplot(a, width = 1, space = NULL,
+ names.arg = colnames, beside = FALSE)
Error en barplot.default(a, width = 1, space = NULL, names.arg =
colnames, :
incorrect number of names
Adem?s: Warning messages:
1: NAs introducidos por coerci?n
2: NAs introducidos por coerci?n
3: NAs introducidos por coerci?n
> barplot(a, width = 1, space = NULL, beside = FALSE)
Warning messages:
1: NAs introducidos por coerci?n
2: NAs introducidos por coerci?n
3: NAs introducidos por coerci?n
I will apreciate if you can help me.
Regards, Carol
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