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Yuan Hao
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear list,
I spent a long time trying to figure out this problem, but without
progress. I would appreciate it very much if you could give me some
I got a list of differential expressed genes from microarray analysis
by using limma. Then I did GO enrichment analysis on these genes by
hypeGTest() method available in GOstats package. Now I want to
retrieve entrez gene IDs in my gene list that correspond to each
enriched GO terms. I found there are two ways to get the entrez gene
IDs: using probeSetSummary() from GOstats, or using getBM() from
biomaRt. I tried both method, and they all worked, but I got two
different lists (lengths 13 vs 24) of entrez gene IDs corresponding to
a single GO term, and most of them are not overlapped. I am not very
familiar with the annotation and/or genome assembly, so I am not sure
whether it is because the two methods using different annotation/
assembly that caused this problem.
# get geneIds for hyperGTest
> topA<-topTable(fit2,coef=1,p.value=0.01,n=nrow(fit2))
> prbs<-topA[,1]
> hasGO<-sapply(mget(prbs,hgu133plus2GO),function(ids)
+ if(!is.na(ids) && length(ids) > 1) TRUE else FALSE)
> prbs<-prbs[hasGO]
> prbs<-getEG(prbs,"hgu133plus2")
> prbs<-prbs[!duplicated(prbs)]
# get universeGeneIds for hyperGTest
> univ<-featureNames(eset)
> hasUnivGO<-sapply(mget(univ,hgu133plus2GO),function(ids)
+ if (!is.na(ids) && length(ids) > 1) TRUE else FALSE)
> univ<-univ[hasUnivGO]
> univ<-unique(getEG(univ,"hgu133plus2"))
# compose params and carry out hyperGTest
> p<-new("GOHyperGParams", geneIds=prbs, universeGeneIds=univ,
ontology="BP", annotation="hgu133plus2", conditional=TRUE)
> if(interactive()){
+ hyp<-hyperGTest(p)
+ ps<-probeSetSummary(hyp)
# retrieve entrez IDs for one enriched GO term GO:0007498
> unique(ps$"GO:0007498"$EntrezID)
[1] "2131" "2139" "2296" "3717" "4088" "4771" "6398" "655"
[10] "8013" "8320" "83439" "9314"
# using biomaRt package
> ensembl=useMart("ensembl",dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
> summary <- summary(hyp)
> goID<-summary$GOBPID
> E <- getBM(attributes=c("go_biological_process_id", "entrezgene"),
filters="go", values=goID, mart=ensembl)
> oneGO<-sapply(E$"go_biological_process_id",function(i)
+ if (i=="GO:0007498") TRUE else FALSE)
> EE<-E[oneGO,]
# retrieve entrez IDs for the same GO term, GO:0007498
> unique(EE$entrezgene)
[1] 5515 NA 90 6398 2131 3717 660 4145 84667 3055
6911 10320
[13] 10220 22806 695 5017 23184 9355 2303 7075 4232 92
6943 6862
Thank you very much in advance!
Kind regards,
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