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Mercier Eloi
Last seen 10.3 years ago
Hi everyone,
I get hundreds of TF binding sites and I would be interesting to acces
conservation data from UCSC.
I tried the ucscTableQuery but as mentionned Paul, there is no easy
way to send multiple queries.
I tried something like :
> start=c(500,600,700)
> end=c(509,609,709)
> chr=rep("chr1",3)
> q1<- ucscTableQuery(session, "cons44way", GenomicRanges(start,end,
> q1
Get track 'cons44way' within hg18:chr1:500600700-509609709
That is not what I would like.
I also tried to download the entire track by using :
> q1<- ucscTableQuery(session, "cons44way",
> q1
Get track 'cons44way' within hg18:*:*-*
> track(q1)
Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines,
na.strings, :
line 100001 did not have 2 elements
Looks like the track cannot exced 99,999 lines.
So is there any easy way to send multiple queries using ucscTableQuery
On 24/09/09 9:01 PM, "Paul Leo" <p.leo at="" uq.edu.au=""> wrote:
Hi Marc,
Yes that an nice idea.
I've got about 80K small regions across the genome, I worry that if I
can't SUM() the conservation score across each region that it would an
uncomfortably large query as the track is score per bp I think.
I'll explore, thanks for the tip.
-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Carlson <mcarlson@fhcrc.org>
To: Paul Leo <p.leo at="" uq.edu.au="">
Cc: bioconductor <bioconductor at="" stat.math.ethz.ch="">
Subject: Re: [BioC] Conservation tracks in BioC?
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 17:10:38 -0700
Hi Paul,
Not really as an annotation package. But there is an example of how
can get data like this from the UCSC tables in rtracklayer. Just load
up rtracklayer and then look at the help page for ucscTableQuery.
Paul Leo wrote:
> Would like to get some advice on the best way to access Conservation
> data from UCSC like the human-17 way conservation etc. Now I know
HOW to
> get it... ftp, table browser, SQL from UCSC.....and I was going to
> download it and put it into an Rle object for later use. I need the
> not small pieces at a time..
> My question is is it already packaged up in R-Annotation somewhere
> I've missed it?
> Thanks
> Paul
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Eloi Mercier
Computational Biology, IRCM
110 av. Des Pins O.
Canada, QC