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Last seen 7.0 years ago
i'm having problems to create a contrast from a manova fit object.
The MAANOVA package is doing that perfectly but i can't use it as i'm
not using arrays.
>> pData:
Celltype Patient Group
pat1.cell1 Bcell 1 normal
pat1.cell2 Tcell 1 normal
pat2.cell1 Bcell 2 severe
pat2.cell2 Tcell 2 severe
pat2.cell1 Bcell 3 mild
pat2.cell2 Tcell 3 mild
My data.eset matrix looks like that
pat1.cell1 pat1.cell2 .....
gene1 0.18 1.2
gene2 0.56 1.5
gene3 0.20 1.3
gene4 0.56 2.2
#The function design.list is a custom copded encoded function to
create the numeric values for the different variables
groups = factor(c(design.list(phenotype$Group,group)))
celltypes = factor(c(design.list(phenotype$Celltype,celltype)))
patients = factor(c(design.list(phenotype$Patient,patient)))
>fit<- manova( t(exprs(mydata.eset)) ~ celltypes*groups)
Response GeneA :
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
celltypes 1 1429.65 1429.65 403.8082 < 2.2e-16 ***
groups 2 6.22 3.11 0.8783 0.418247
celltypes:groups 2 38.91 19.45 5.4948 0.005248 **
Residuals 116 410.69 3.54
This is telling me that a particular gene is differentially expresed
betwee, celltypes and groups . Can i see which genes are
expressed betwee pariwise groups. For example gene A is differentially
expressed between celltypes and groups but i still don't know if it
expression changes between normal and mild on one side and severe and
mild on the other hand.
Normally i would do that by building an anova pairwise design for each
> contrast.matrix <- design.pairs(c("normal", "mild", "severe"))
> contrast.matrix
normal-mild normal-severe mild-severe
normal 1 1 0
mild -1 0 1
severe 0 -1 -1
fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, contrast.matrix)
That will not work for a manova fit object because of celltype. How
i fix this ?? any idea ???
I though it would usefull to use the MAAANOVA package for that but is
there a way to create a madata object from my eset object ?? it might
make things easier ? At the end i also have an expression data matrix
and it would be extremely useful to create design.