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Noah Dowell
Last seen 10.6 years ago
Dear Wolfgang,
Thank you for your response. Sorry about the "sessionInfo()"
mistake... I think I included it earlier but I will include each time
(I included it below). Benedikt Zacher caught my NA error earlier
since I had my probeAnnot object pointing to one name of chromosomes
(Affymetrix nomenclature) and the tssAnno pointing to another (ensembl
nomenclature). I am still struggling somewhat with other issues if
you should chose to read on. Thank you much for your time and
Dear Benedikt,
Maybe it will come to me sending the R object to you, but I think I am
close to understanding the workflow a little better. I think I just
missed some of the essential early steps necessary to using Starr
(sorry I am new to R and trying to get up to speed quickly). I think
the following workflow would be helpful to include in the vignette (or
maybe I am getting this wrong). Here is what I am going to try (I
excluded some of the commands to load or read files):
### fire up R and create a raw Annotation file using Biomart
ensembl = useMart("fungal_mart_3")
ensembl = useDataset("scerevisiae_eg_gene", mart = ensembl)
chrom <- c("I")
transcriptAnno <- getBM(attributes=c("ensembl_gene_id",
+ "strand",
"transcript_start", "transcript_end"),
+ filters =
"chromosome_name", values = chrom, mart = ensembl)
transAnnoChr = transcriptAnno
transAnnoChr[,2][transAnnoChr[,2]=="I"] <- "Sc:Oct_2003;chr1"
###change the column names to match your file in the Starr vignette
and then put them in the right order:
names(transAnnoChr) = c("name", "chr", "strand", "start",
chrOnly = transAnnoChr[,2]
startOnly = transAnnoChr[,4]
endOnly = transAnnoChr[,5]
strandOnly= transAnnoChr[,3]
nameOnly = transAnnoChr[,1]
tssAnno = cbind(chrOnly,startOnly, endOnly, strandOnly,
### make a minimal Expression set so that the writeGFF function works
exprs = as.matrix(tssAnno, header = TRUE, sep = "\t",
row.names = 1, as.is = TRUE)
minimalSet = new("ExpressionSet", exprs = exprs)
### Now we can use the Starr package to write the gffAnno file
bpmap = readBpmap("Sc03b_MR_v04.bpmap")
probeAnno = bpmapToProbeAnno(bpmap)
writeGFF(minimalSet, probeAnno, "tssAnno.gff")
transcriptAnno = read.gffAnno("tssAnno.gff", feature = ???)
### I am not sure what to use as a feature for the read.gffAnno
### I think this should get me ready to use the getProfiles function,
your thoughts??
Thank you so much for your help and for creating this package. I have
not run through these commands but wanted to see if the workflow of
1. Annotation file creation (biomaRt)
2. ExpressionSet Creation (BioBase)
3. gffAnno Creation (Starr)
Is this the way to go?
>> sessionInfo()
> R version 2.10.0 (2009-10-26)
> i386-apple-darwin9.8.0
> locale:
> [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
> attached base packages:
> [1] grid stats graphics grDevices utils datasets
methods base
> other attached packages:
> [1] Starr_1.2.0 affxparser_1.18.0 affy_1.24.0
Ringo_1.10.0 Matrix_0.999375-31 lattice_0.17-26
> [7] limma_3.2.1 RColorBrewer_1.0-2 Biobase_2.6.0
> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
> [1] affyio_1.14.0 annotate_1.24.0 AnnotationDbi_1.8.0
DBI_0.2-4 genefilter_1.28.0
> [6] MASS_7.3-3 preprocessCore_1.8.0 pspline_1.0-13
RSQLite_0.7-3 splines_2.10.0
> [11] survival_2.35-7 xtable_1.5-5