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sneha patil
Last seen 10.3 years ago
Myself Sneha...
I want to discuss the error am repeatedly getting while running the
normalization and cannot solve it.Ihave installed the required
probes and CDF packages still it is giving this error.Can u please
help me.
> library(gcrma)
> esetGCRMA <- gcrma(rawdata)
Adjusting for optical effect.........Done.
Computing affinitiesError in getProbePackage(probepackagename) :
The current operation could not access the Bioconductor repository.
check your internet connection, and report further problems to
> sessionInfo
function (package = NULL)
z <- list()
z$R.version <- R.Version()
z$locale <- Sys.getlocale()
if (is.null(package)) {
package <- grep("^package:", search(), value = TRUE)
keep <- sapply(package, function(x) x == "package:base" ||
!is.null(attr(as.environment(x), "path")))
package <- sub("^package:", "", package[keep])
pkgDesc <- lapply(package, packageDescription)
if (length(package) == 0)
stop("no valid packages were specified")
basePkgs <- sapply(pkgDesc, function(x) !is.null(x$Priority) &&
x$Priority == "base")
z$basePkgs <- package[basePkgs]
if (any(!basePkgs)) {
z$otherPkgs <- pkgDesc[!basePkgs]
names(z$otherPkgs) <- package[!basePkgs]
loadedOnly <- loadedNamespaces()
loadedOnly <- loadedOnly[!(loadedOnly %in% package)]
if (length(loadedOnly)) {
names(loadedOnly) <- loadedOnly
pkgDesc <- c(pkgDesc, lapply(loadedOnly, packageDescription))
z$loadedOnly <- pkgDesc[loadedOnly]
class(z) <- "sessionInfo"
<environment: namespace:utils="">
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