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North, Bernard V
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear All
The Statistical Advisory Service at Imperial College has places
available on the March 11/12 Statistical Microarray Analysis Using R &
Bioconductor course. The cost is £390.00.
Please visit the web-link below to apply for the course:
For further information contact Richard Kells on 0207 594 3856 or
Best wishes
Dr Bernard North
Statistical Consultant
Statistical Advisory Service
Advice and Courses on Research Design and Methodology
Imperial College South Kensington Campus
8 Princes Gardens Room 845, 4th Floor
London SW7 1NA.
Tel: 020 7594 2034
Fax: 020 7594 1489
Email: bnorth@imperial.ac.uk<mailto:bnorth@imperial.ac.uk>
Web: www.ic.ac.uk/stathelp<http: www.ic.ac.uk="" stathelp="">
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