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Marcelo Luiz de Laia
Last seen 10.6 years ago
Hi All,
I read the help about mva heatmap and I see that it have the argument
'x' (numeric matrix of the values to be plotted).
In my case, I normalized my data with marrayNorm and calculated the
differentially expressed genes with limma.
In limma I have MA, but I do not know how do I do to extract the 'x'
values (top 50 diferentially genes).
'x' is the MA value in limma?
I look in limma help but I did not obtain success.
Would can you suggest me a other document especific about how do I do
or a step that explains how do I do to obtain 'x' from the limma
On Sun, 30 Nov 2003 19:17:09 -0200
Marcelo Luiz de Laia <mlaia@fcav.unesp.br> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I analyse my datas using marray and limma packages, with yours
helps, sure! Thanks very much!
> Now, I have the differentially expressed genes and I would want to
have a dendrogram of these genes.
> Like this:
> |--------Gene1
> ---|
> | |--Gene2
> |-----|
> |--Gene10
> Is it possible make this?
> What packages I use for this?
> All tips and helps are welcome.
> Thanks very much
> Marcelo
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