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Ben Nota
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear limma users,
I am trying to analyze a 2x2 factorial experiment with Agilent two-
arrays (with direct design). I noticed (from the user?s guide and
posts) that this is not so straight forward as with single-color
experiments or ones with reference designs.
My experiment is as follows:
2 strains (F and FC), 2 treatments (Con and Cd), hence 4 RNA sources
(F_Cd, F_Con, FC_Cd, and FC_Con). If I use one of the RNA sources as
my design looks like this:
> design<-modelMatrix(targets, ref = "F_Con")
Found unique target names:
F_Cd F_Con FC_Cd FC_Con
> design
F_Cd FC_Cd FC_Con
1 1 0 0
2 -1 0 1
3 0 1 -1
4 0 -1 0
5 0 0 1
6 0 0 -1
7 -1 1 0
8 1 -1 0
It is a little bit comparable with the Weaver mutant data example in
user?s guide (section 11.5); accept for the ref pool of course. I want
make all possible contrasts, but now it gets tricky.
> cor<-duplicateCorrelation(MALoesssorted,design, ndups=3, spacing=1)
Loading required package: statmod
> cor$consensus.correlation
[1] 0.9172524
> fit<-lmFit(MALoesssorted,design,ndups=3,correlation=cor$consensus)
> contrast.matrix <-
+ cbind("F_Con-FC_Con"=c(0,0,-1),"F_Cd-FC_Cd"=c(1,-1,0),
+ "F_Cd-F_Con"=c(1,0,0), "FC_Cd-FC_Con"=c(0,1,-1), "Int"=c(1,-1,1) )
> contrast.matrix
F_Con-FC_Con F_Cd-FC_Cd F_Cd-F_Con FC_Cd-FC_Con Int
[1,] 0 1 1 0 1
[2,] 0 -1 0 1 -1
[3,] -1 0 0 -1 1
My questions are, is this the correct way to analyze this experiment?
is it ok to use one of the RNA sources as a reference for fitting the
linear model? And is the contrast.matrix correctly defined, especially
interaction seems a bit strange to me. I hope someone can tell me if
is correct, and if not please explain me how to do this the proper
Many thanks in advance!
Yours, Ben
Benjamin Nota
Vrije Universiteit
Department of Animal Ecology
De Boelelaan 1085
1081 HV AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)20-5987217
Fax: +31 (0)20-5987123