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Noemi Andor
Last seen 10.3 years ago
I'm working with the Agilent CGH 244A Platform, and I normalized the
data using the command:
MA <- normalizeWithinArrays(Agilent.RG, method="loess")
Than I made MA plots:
plotMA3by2(Agilent.RG) vs. plotMA3by2(MA )
Yet I get the same plots, i.e. normalization had no effect upon the
data (see attached plots).
I read something about weightening particular spots within the
normalization, would that be a solution, considering the attached
I would also like to have a fitting curve in each plot. I read the
would create such plot, but here I get the error that some layout
object is missing (ngrid.r, ngrid.c - number of grid rows/columns on
the arrays - do not know where to extract that information)
Or is there any other solution to do this?
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