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Eli Moss
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hello All,
I am an undergrad at Brown University looking at Drosophila
microarrays. I am developing a new method of removing SNP's detected
in probe-level intensity values, but I am having trouble getting the
modified probe set back into the affybatch object in such a way that
subsequent bioconductor actions then work on it. Any ideas?
affy.object = readAffy()
affy.object.normalized = normalize(affy.object)
probes = probeset(affy.object.normalized)
probes = [probes are modified here, retaining their structure]
assayData(affy.object.normalized) = probes
...then when I try to call rma(affy.object.normalized), it crashes,
Background correcting
Error in rma(affy.object.normalized) :
INTEGER() can only be applied to a 'integer', not a 'NULL'
trying a mas5 normalization crashes R completely with a non-existent
physical address bus error.
How can I replace the probe intensity data in an AffyBatch object with
the modified matrix I got from a call to probeset()?
Thank you,
Eli Moss
Brown University, Computational Biology
+1 (413) 658-4227
Eli_Moss at Brown.edu