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Dear Veerendra,
Your design matrix looks fine as far as I can see.
Between array normalization would make no difference to your results.
That is only required if you want to try separate channel analysis.
Best wishes
> Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2010 19:10:10 +0530
> From: Veerendra GP <gpveerendra09 at="" gmail.com="">
> To: bioconductor at stat.math.ethz.ch
> Cc: prashantha.hebbar at manipal.edu, shama.prasad at manipal.edu
> Subject: [BioC] Help to confirm Design matrix and Between array
> Normalization.
> Dear friends,
> I have DNA differently methylated data of (done with differentially
> methylated hybridization technique) three cancerous experiments. The
> experimental design is as follows:
> Normal vs Tumor: wherein Normal is labeled with cy3 and Tumor is
> with cy5.
> Normal vs Pre malignant: wherein Normal is labeled with cy3 and Pre
> malignant is labeled with cy5.
> Tumor vs Pre maligmant: wherein Tumor is labeled with cy3 and pre
> is labeled with cy5.
> I wanted to fit linear model for this experimental design. I have
> through the Limma documentation and done analysis. But, as design
> need to be more perfect, I would like to confirm the matrix design
with your
> opinion. I also would like to know fitting between array
normalization in
> this context will be meaningfull or not? So, I request you to help
me in
> this context.
> Here is my sessional info :
> library(limma)
> targets<- readTargets("/home/veerendra/MicroarrayData/target.txt")
> RG <- read.maimages(targets$SlideNumber, source="agilent",
> path="/home/veerendra/MicroarrayData/DATA")
> status <- rep("gene", nrow(RG$genes))
> status[grep("NC1_*",RG$genes[,"ProbeName"])] <- "cntrl"
> status[grep("NC2_*",RG$genes[,"ProbeName"])] <- "cntrl"
> status[grep("LACC*",RG$genes[,"ProbeName"])] <- "cntrl"
> status[grep("PC_*",RG$genes[,"ProbeName"])] <- "cntrl"
> status[grep("DarkCorner",RG$genes[,"ProbeName"])] <- "cntrl"
> status[grep("HsCGHBrightCorner",RG$genes[,"ProbeName"])] <- "cntrl"
> status[grep("NegativeControl",RG$genes[,"SystematicName"])] <-
> status[grep("SM_*",RG$genes[,"ProbeName"])] <- "cntrl"
> status[grep("DCP*",RG$genes[,"ProbeName"])] <- "cntrl"
> status[grep("unmapped",RG$genes[,"SystematicName"])] <- "cntrl"
> RGnc <- RG[status!="cntrl",]
> MA<-normalizeWithinArrays(RGnc,method="loess",bc.method="normexp")
> design <- modelMatrix(targets, ref="N")
> N P T
> P T
> [1,] 0 1
> [2,] 1 0
> [3,] 1 -1
> fit <- lmFit(MA, design)
> contrast.matrix <- cbind("N-T"=c(1,0),"N-P"=c(0,1),"P-T"=c(1,-1))
> N-T N-P P-T
> [1,] 1 0 1
> [2,] 0 1 -1
> rownames(contrast.matrix) <- colnames(design)
> fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, contrast.matrix)
> fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
> tb<-topTable(fit2, adjust="BH", n=200000)
> write.table(tb,file="testtb.txt", sep="\t")
> Thanking you in anticipation.
> Regards,
> Veerendra.
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