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Brinsmade, Shaun R.
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear all,
I am trying to use Grofit to automate bacterial growth curve data
processing. Specifically, I wish to input experimental data (either
manually recorded using flasks and an off-line spectrophotometer, or
high-throughput in microtitre plate format and plate reader) and
derive only growth rate / doubling time using the modified Gompertz
equation (I don't need a dose-response curve). I have been trying to
assemble the data in excel as comma-separated values. Does anyone have
enough experience with this package to tutor this na?ve scientist? I
am new to R and am having a hard time coming up with a script to
perform this task. I would welcome any skeleton script that I could
modify, or if anyone is willing to teach me the necessary nuts and
bolts. Lately I have been manually calculating growth rate and
doubling time, but this is rather tedious.