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Philippe Serhal
Last seen 10.6 years ago
I can't quite seem to reproduce the precomputed MAS 5.0 and RMA
assessments provided in the affycomp package. Although I have been
unable to find the code that was originally used to generate them, I
think it is fairly safe to assume it looked a little something like
(given a current working directory containing the HG-U133A spike-in
R> library (affy)
R> library (affycomp)
R> data <- ReadAffy ()
R> eset <- rma (data)
R> write.table (data.frame (2 ^ exprs (eset), check.names = F),
+ file = "tmp.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, quote = F)
R> tmp <- read.newspikein ("tmp.csv")
R> a <- assessSpikeIn2 (tmp, method.name = "RMA_testing")
I then compare this with the precomputed assessments:
R> data (rma.assessment2.133)
R> affycompPlot (rma.assessment2.133, a)
Four of the six resulting figures [2] -- 1b, 2b, 4c, and 5e -- show
identical results for the two assessments, while the other two -- 5c
5d -- show significantly diverging results. Thinking perhaps the
assessments had been computed using an older version of RMA, I tried
'bgversion = 1' in the rma() call, but that didn't help. In fact,
doesn't seem to have anything to do with the RMA pipeline, because if
repeat the process substituting 'mas5' for 'rma' and
'mas5.assessment2.133' for 'rma.assessment2.133' (and not
exponentiating), I obtain similar results: 5c differs, but none of the
Any idea what I'm doing wrong here? Thank you in advance for any
insight you may be able to provide.
R version: 2.10.0
affy version: 1.24.1
[1] HG-U133A spike-in data:
[2] affycomp figure definitions:
Philippe Serhal
Functional and Structural Bioinformatics Lab
Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer (IRIC)
Universit? de Montr?al