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Moshe Olshansky
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I personally would not remove control transcripts before looking for
differential expression, since they may serve as a negative control,
if many of them are differentially expressed between samples it means
something is wrong (or at least suspicious).
Best regards,
> Dear list,
> A possible data analysis workflow for EXON arrays could be as
> (extracted from "Exon Array data analysis using Affymetrix Power
> and R statistical software", Briefings in Bioinformatics):
> * Normalization and summarization (at exon or gene-level) of the
> array set.
> * Quality control of exon array data of summarization results
> remove possible outliers)
> * Specific filtering steps, for example:
> o Restrict analysis to core probesets
> o Filter for undetected probesets (i.e., undetected
> making use of DABG (Detected above background) analysis.
> o Filter for cross-hybridizing probesets (exons)
> o Filter for genes undetected genes in all groups
> I'm running a gene-level data analysis on Human GENE ST 1.0 (not
> arrays, which are, in principle, designed for gene expression
> that is, a gene-level analysis. My question is related to the
> step. I was wondering if, once the normalization and summarization
> run at the transcript level (core), giving 33297 transcripts, the
> following filtering can be run before differential expression
> * Remove control transcripts such as other_spike, AFFX,
> (normgene->exon) and neg_control (normgene->intron). This step
> removes around 4156 transcripts
> * Remove transcripts with very low variability through varFilter
> function (genefilter package)
> Since these were the steps recommended in "Bioconductor case
> book for 3'IVT arrays (the controls were different in 3'IVT), I was
> wondering if these 2 filtering steps can also be used on Human Gene
> arrays for gene-level analysis or, on the contrary, I have to run
> filtering steps described above for EXON arrays.
> Thanks,
> Javier
> P.S. If you know any data analysis workflow document for HuGene
> please, let me know
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Moshe Olshansky
Division of Bioinformatics
The Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
1G Royal Parade, Parkville, Vic 3052
e-mail: olshansky at wehi.edu.au
tel: (03) 9345 2697
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