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Gu Mi
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear All:
I have a question about the bioconductor goseq
package for GO enrichment analysis (taking length bias into
consideration). Those top-ranked categories are obtained based on the
ranking of "over_represented_pvalues" from the goseq object. The goseq
also includes "under_represented_pvalues" from the same output. Can I
know how the "over/under-representations" are determined? Why don't we
consider "under-representation"?
I am not sure if I can think of a category being "enriched" this way:
if there are more DE genes for a particular category, then this
category is "enriched" and the associated p-value is called "over-
represented", while if there are fewer DE genes for a particular
category, then this category is called "depleted" and "under-
represented"? Can this be reflected in the sign (+/-) of certain
I am new to this area, so thank you very much for your help! The
vignette of the goseq package can be found here (http://www.bioconduct
Gu Mi
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