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Tefina Paloma
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I have a question regarding consistency of strand.
Although reading the documentation and several tutorials I am not
totally sure
if I have understood everything right.
Lets say you read in a fastq file from bowtie with readAligned.
x = readAligned("fastq-file", type = "Bowtie").
For each read you have the corresponding strand info.
If you then compute the coverage,
cov = coverage(x)
Is this the coverage on the + strand? Reads that aligned to the -
strand are
reverse complemented and counted for the + strand?
Then you load a transcript database:
yeastDb = makeTranscriptDbFromBiomart(biomart = "ensembl", dataset =
tx = transcriptsBy(yeastDb)
Here again, tx provides some strand info. If I now want to extract the
per base
coverage of a transcript that lies on the - strand.
How do I do that? I have the coordinates of the transcript via
coord(tx). But
how do I assure that get the correct info?
I hope I have made myself clear and I would really appreciate any
Probably is working fine out of the box, I just want to make sure that
I dont
make a mistake in the very first steps.