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Zhenling Peng
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear Sir/Madam,
Would you mind me disturbing you for a few minutes?
I know edgeR can do comparison among multiple libraries. I did have 4
libraries of miRNA, where two of them are normal (library1 and
the other two are abnormal (library3 and library4). And I'm trying to
the miRNA which expressed differently between the two groups: normal
abnormal. I utilized common dispersion, and the results are displayed
at the
end. When using edgeR, I have some questions as follows,
1) according to the results got from *summarydecideTestsDGEde.com,
= 0.05))*, it seems that there is only 1 miRNA: RNA_de is expressed
differently if I take 0.05 as the cut-off of the *adjust.p.val*
(please see
*line 20* and *line 12*). While *line 16* indicates that there is a
constriction on the counts in libraries. In fact, the counts in
library 1
and 2 are not consistently greater than those in library 3 and 4.
So I wondered how the package edgeR deals with this kind of
data. Is it still reliable to determine that the RNA_de is
expressed between two groups?
When the edgeR makes a comparison among multiple libraries, does the
merge the libraries within the same group together before the
comparison or
not? if it does, how does it merge these libraries together?
I tried to find the answer in the manual and the two papers to be
implemented into edgeR, but I failed finally as my limited knowledge
statistics.So could you please give me a favor to explain those
for me?2) according to the norm.factor for each library, and the value
the common.dispersion (*line 1-4*,* line10* and *11*), I think it's OK
use common dispersion for our data. What do you think about it?
I'm not sure *when we can use * *common.dispersion*.
And I tried tagwise dispersion with prion.n = 10 (20/(4-2)) also, but
results are very similar to the results got from common.dispersion.
In addition, I made the pair-wise comparison between two libraries
(one is
normal, the other is abnormal), but the the value of the
*common.dispersion*approximates to 0 (1.0E-16). So I doubt the
reliability of the results when
using common dispersion to make pair-wise comparison between
In general, if we have multiple libraries and we only want to find the
differently expressed miRNA/genes among groups, is their any other
comparison except pair-wise comparison between groups? Would you mind
me some suggestions?
3) From *line 19*, we can see that the miRNA---RNA_ad shows consistent
significant difference between groups, this is consistent with the
for this miRNA in *line 15*. While the ajust.p.val is equal to 1
(*line 15*,
this ajust.p.val is based on the method "BH"). So I wondered whether
we can
use the P-value to analyze differential expression or not. If not, do
have to use ajust.p.val to make analysis? Is it always more reliable
to use ajust.p.val
instead of P-value to make analysis? Could you please give me some
I'm very sorry to disturb you with so many naive questions. But I
confused about the unsatisfied results after using edgeR, and I'm not
if I made any mistakes when using edgeR. Could you please give me a
Would you mind giving me any advice about my questions? Thank you very
Best wishes,
Zhenling Peng
University of Alberta
> dim(d)
[1] 658 4
> d
An object of class "DGEList"
files group lib.size norm.factors
library1 library1 normal 3184257 1.0025762
.............................................line 1
library2 library2 normal 2825126 0.9873665
.............................................line 2
library3 library3 abnormal 3955120 1.0476795
.............................................line 3
library4 library4 abnormal 4692333 0.9642192
.............................................line 4
library1 library2 library3 library4
RNA_aa 302440 274619 479102 403961
..............................................line 5
RNA_ab 298597 283090 206178 331258
..............................................line 6
RNA_ac 293963 218700 508874 573151
..............................................line 7
RNA_bd 199355 168652 180300 262947
..............................................line 8
RNA_ae 149868 131546 177037 201992
..............................................line 9
653 more rows ...
> d <- estimateCommonDisp(d)
> d$common.dispersion
[1] 0.03584351
...............................................line 10
> sqrt(d$common.dispersion)
[1] 0.1893238
...............................................line 11
> de.com <- exactTest(d)
Comparison of groups: normal - abnormal
> topTagsde.com, n=5)
Comparison of groups: normal-abnormal
logConc logFC P.Value
RNA_de -15.851627 1.7031386 5.969173e-07 0.0003927716
.............line 12
RNA_ea -16.861371 1.4352602 2.465201e-04 0.0554942582
.............line 13
RNA_cf -34.679446 30.6732173 2.833211e-03 0.3225116431
.............line 14
RNA_ad -3.690956 0.6652757 1.554169e-02
..............line 15
> detags.com <- rownamestopTagsde.com, n=5)$table)
> d$counts[detags.com, ]
library1 library2 library3 library4
RNA_de 153 * 35 * *62 * 18
...............................................line 16
RNA_ea 49 34 28 16
...............................................line 17
RNA_cf 5 4 0 0
...............................................line 18
RNA_ad 293963 218700 508874 573151
...............................................line 19
> summarydecideTestsDGEde.com, p.value = 0.05))
...............................................line 20
-1 0
0 657
1 1
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