I have installed graphviz 2.28.0 on a Windows 7 machine and Rgraphviz
1.30.1. The command library(Rgraphviz) in R throws a message box
that libcdt-4.dll is missing. The folder C:\Program
Files\Graphviz2.28.0\bin does not contain this DLL. What is the
version of
graphviz that is compatible with Rgraphviz 1.30.1?
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I was able to get the library command to execute after I uninstalled
graphviz 2.28.0 and instead installed However, when I
execute the
following example from the documentation, R crashes:
V <- letters[1:10]
M <- 1:4
g1 <- randomGraph(V, M, 0.2)
On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 4:24 PM, Jayanth Rajan
> I have installed graphviz 2.28.0 on a Windows 7 machine and
> 1.30.1. The command library(Rgraphviz) in R throws a message box
> that libcdt-4.dll is missing. The folder C:\Program
> Files\Graphviz2.28.0\bin does not contain this DLL. What is the
version of
> graphviz that is compatible with Rgraphviz 1.30.1?
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I have a binary package of Rgraphviz that I built using Windows 7 and
graphviz 2.28.0. There are instructions for installing it at the
bottom of
Hope that helps,
Message: 17
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 16:24:02 -0400
From: Jayanth Rajan <jayanthrajan@gmail.com>
To: bioconductor at r-project.org
Subject: [BioC] Rgraphviz Installation Issue
<caotsbvbn2em_hoyx_rlp+yphw+=wkqf=mc06gbcyvg3h4dwtmg at="" mail.gmail.com="">
Content-Type: text/plain
I have installed graphviz 2.28.0 on a Windows 7 machine and Rgraphviz
1.30.1. The command library(Rgraphviz) in R throws a message box
that libcdt-4.dll is missing. The folder C:\Program
Files\Graphviz2.28.0\bin does not contain this DLL. What is the
version of
graphviz that is compatible with Rgraphviz 1.30.1?
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