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Helena Persson
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I would be grateful for some input on using edgeR for small RNA
sequence data. I have been testing edgeR on a set of miRNA data (3
groups with n=10, 15 and 15). After removing genes that are not
expressed at >= 0.2 cpm in >= 5 samples I have ~600 rows left. I tried
calculating the tagwise dispersion estimate with:
cds1 <- estimateTagwiseDisp(cds1, prior.n=2, trend=TRUE,
prop.used=0.1, grid=FALSE)
Increasing the prior to e.g. 10 gives more differentially expressed
genes that do not look bad. Decreasing the prior to 0 leaves me with
extremely few differentially expressed genes that are mainly variance
outliers. I guess that miRNA data is likely to behave differently from
mRNA data since there are so few genes (but still a very large dynamic
range). Is it possible that I am over-fitting the estimate? Would you
recommend changing any other parameters?
Best regards,
Helena Persson, PhD
Karolinska Institutet
Dept of Biosciences and Nutrition
Hälsovägen 7-9
SE-141 83 Huddinge
tel. +46-(0)8-52481058
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