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Max Mariasegaram
Last seen 10.6 years ago
I have a simple question about using limma to analyse gene expression
data form a custom microarray with over 180k probes. The probes were
designed to include almost every exon and intron of genes, micro RNAs
and ncRNA in the human genome. Consequently, there is expected to be
a lot of correlated data i.e two probes at say exon 1 and 2
respectively, of hypothetical gene ABC will be mostly alike in the
direction of differential expression. I was wondering whether limma
analysis of such data will lead to erroneous estimates of probe and
significance effects? Is limma mostly a package used for analysing
data where there is a unique probe for every gene as in the Agilent 44
k human array? How have others analysed such correlated data - I am
assuming using mixed models?
Thanks in advance.
Maxy Mariasegaram| Reserach Fellow | Australian Prostate Cancer
Research Centre| Level 1, Building 33 | Princess Alexandra Hospital |
199 Ipswich Road, Brisbane QLD 4102 Australia | t: 07 3176 3073| f: 07
3176 7440 | e: mariaseg@qut.edu.au
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