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Wendy Qiao
Last seen 10.6 years ago
Hi all,
I am trying to use the SNM package to normalize a dataset. The whole
dataset is a combination of Illumina arrays and Affymetrix arrays. I
the batch effect to model the platform difference. Following is my
code for
constructing the bio.var and adj.var matrices. The SNM function gives
error of invalid model matrix. I noticed that on the SNM help page, it
highlights the necessity of making the model matrix valid. However, I
not sure how to determine if the model matrices are valid. Could
please help? Thank you very much.
> Bio_var<-model.matrix(~groups,BioNames) #65x12 matrix
> Adj_var<-model.matrix(~batches,Batch) # 65x1 matrix
> snm.obj1<-snm(raw.data,bio.var=Bio_var,adj.var=Adj_var,int.var=NULL)
Error in make.snm.obj(Y = raw.dat, bio.var, adj.var, int.var,
cbind(bio.var,adj.var) is not a valid model matrix. Enter
for more information on building a model matrix.
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