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Guest User
Last seen 10.4 years ago
hi all,
i'm new to this microarray data analysis.
recently i've been given data consisting of 11 tissues.
now i've normalized the data, filtered data using mas5 AP calls. My
question is, which statistical test i must perform
to calculate the significance values ??
sample data is as below:
accumbens amygdala cerebellum
corpus.collosum hippocampus midbrain p.lobe putamen
s.nigra t.lobe thalamus
1007_s_at 11.93852233 12.21404093 11.46118612
13.41594885 12.42216256 12.89589133 11.58715914
11.85803472 12.79920479 12.07087932 12.55338306
1053_at 7.490706858 7.526181155 7.551069308 7.891002293
7.49104271 7.971097552 8.088918072 7.660258014
7.92423132 7.54689645 7.128753703
117_at 8.486898268 8.773089087 7.642339349 8.560352732
7.676296801 7.865961146 7.250275943 7.929165261
7.874073766 7.940298941 8.10731601
I got some web results, from which i came to know that, chi-square
test is of more relevant in this case (to compare 3 or more unmatched
groups, binomial). Is it correct to choose chi-square test ??
Sorry if my question is too lame.
thanks in advance.
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