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Joern Toedling
Last seen 10.5 years ago
without touching upon any recent changes in biocLite, I would
the following simple way to install packages without administrator
1. Create an environment variable called "R_LIBS" and point that a
writeable directory where you want your packages to go to. For example
in the ~/.bashrc set something like:
export R_LIBS="${HOME}/rpackages"
Syntax is bit different for other shells and I guess it's possible to
this under Windows as well.
2. Start up R and install packages using biocLite() or
install.packages(). The directory defined in the variable "R_LIBS"
be the first entry returned by ".libPaths()" (verify that) and thus
used as default installation directory.
On 11/29/2011 10:02 AM, andrea.grilli at ior.it wrote:
> Hi Firas,
> I had similar problems working in linux. If it's also your case, I
> solved changing administrative privileges to paths were all packages
> are installed:
> sudo chmod 777 -R /usr/lib/R
> sudo chmod 777 -R /usr/local/lib/R/site-library
> Maybe this is not the conventional way, but allows me to update all
> libraries without creating a new personal folder each time R is
> updated to a new version.
> Hope this help,
> Andrea
> ----- Messaggio inoltrato da stvjc at channing.harvard.edu -----
> Data: Fri, 25 Nov 2011 11:27:50 -0500
> Da: Vincent Carey <stvjc at="" channing.harvard.edu="">
> Rispondi-A:Vincent Carey <stvjc at="" channing.harvard.edu="">
> Oggetto: Re: [BioC] Installing Bioconductor packages on R 2.14.0
> *without* administrator rights / from a script
> A: Firas Swidan <firas at="" biomatters.com="">
> Cc: bioconductor at r-project.org
> Are you sure this is specific to bioconductor installation? Does
> install.packages() with a CRAN package selection work for you? If
> does
> not, you should study the R installation and administration guide
> available
> at R project manuals, and pose residual questions at r-help.
> Defining folders where packages can be installed can be accomplished
> .libPaths() in the session. Check the value of this, and add a
> folder and try again once you have done so. If you can make no
> with this advice, send the result of sessionInfo() and the attempted
> values
> of .libPaths and perhaps more concrete advice can be given. The
> will depend on the specific version of windows you are using along
> aspects of the security setup, which may not be readily reproducible
> outside your site. But in general you should be able to install
> libraries
> in personally writeable folders, without administrative privileges,
> just have to set the parameters appropriately. These are laid out
> some
> detail in the installation and administration manual.
Joern Toedling, PhD
Core Facility Bioinformatics
Institute of Molecular Biology gGmbH (IMB)