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Stephen Edwards
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Mike Smith <grimbough at="" ...=""> writes:
> Dear Stephen,
> Thank you very much for posting your data, that's a big help. It
would be
> really great if you could include the images too, as I try to use
> images as a verification step in breaking the text file down into
> component parts. I won't need an entire chip, but the three swaths
> one array section would be great. I'm afraid I won't get a chance
to look
> at this until the new year as I'm on holiday from tomorrow, but I
shall let
> you know when I've made processSwathData() more generalisable over
> number of swaths.
> Many thanks
> Mike Smith
I too took the holidays off, so I'm just now sending the tiffs. The
new file is
The checksum is
e3282f320d08376b2f3d07d21b03e67e 5719680020tifRetry.tar.bz2
You can ignore 5719680020tif.tar.bz2 as the transfer failed in the
This contains all the tiff files. If there are any problems with
the file, I will send one that only contains a single section.
Thanks to you,