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Marco Groth
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear Bioconductor team,
I am using DESeq and edgeR for analysis of count data and find
differentially expressed genes and btw it worked very well. As input
data I created read count. For that I used also Illumina's CASAVA and
GenomeStudio. Unfortunately, Illumia changed the counting procedure.
of version 1.8 read counting is not possible anymore, they changed
finally to base counting. Means all mappable bases which fulfil a
quality score will be counted. So by using high quality 50bp reads for
mapping the counts will be around 50x higher compared to the read
By using the base counts in edgeR the number of differentially
genes is dramatically reduced. We normally compare DESeq and edgeR
results and they fit around 80%. Using the base counts the results do
not fit anymore.
I divided all base counts by 50 to approximate the read count and the
results look better, but not as good as before. Furthermore, I get
uncertainties because of counting in splice site is more
Nevertheless, my question is whether I can run edgeR using base counts
and getting good results?
Thanks, Marco
Marco Groth