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Alejandro Reyes
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hi Elena, Thanks for posting the detail email. The p-values and
p-adjusted values should be in your variable "test". You did: test <-
testForDEU( ecs ) The function "testForDEU" will return an
object, your variable "ecs" with the columns of the fData for the
pvalues and padjusted already filled. Then you will notice that "test"
is an ExonCountSet object, so if you do: res1<- DEUresultTable(test)
You will get your pvalues!
Bext wishes,
Dear Simon, Thanks for your reply, even on a Saturday. =) You were
right about the incorrect file path- that was problem. (To anybody
out there struggling with general issues getting their files into R,
code is below. Hope I save you some time). Another issue I was hoping
you might help me with: I have no differentially-expressed exons
(p-value = NA for all exons) at the end of the analysis!! I followed
your other recommendations, and have spent some time trying to figure
this out, but am still unsure. The fact that there are no integers in
the p-value column has me worried. Maybe the problem is that the
names in counts(ecs) do not word-for-word match up with my rownames in
the samples dataframe. I didn't know how to change the colnames in
counts(ecs), so I left them as they were, noting that the sample
identity seemed to have been preserved. Any advice on how to change
count(ecs) headers, or other advice about my non-existent p-values
be appreciated! =) Many thanks, Elena P.S. The graphics w/ gene models
in DEXseq are very useful and convenient!
library(DEXSeq) options(digits=3) setwd("C:\\Rdata\\DEXseq")
library(DEXSeq) rm(list=ls()) # this GFF file is an output from
script dexseq_prepare_annotations.py annotationfile =
annotationfile [1] "/Rdata/DEXseq/realFioles/DEXSeq_annotations.gff"
> samples = data.frame(
+ condition = c("drug","drug","vehicle","vehicle"),
+ replicate = c(1:2,1:2),
+ row.names = c("drug1","drug2","veh1","veh2"),
+ stringsAsFactors = TRUE,
+ check.names = FALSE
+ )
> samples
condition replicate
drug1 drug 1
drug2 drug 2
veh1 vehicle 1
veh2 vehicle 2
> fullFilenames<- list.files("C:/Rdata/DEXseq/realFioles/",full.name
> fullFilenames
[1] "C:/Rdata/DEXseq/realFioles/drug1_counts.txt"
[4] "C:/Rdata/DEXseq/realFioles/veh2_counts.txt"
> ecs<- read.HTSeqCounts(countfiles = fullFilenames,design =
samples,flattenedfile = annotationfile)
> head(counts(ecs))
2L52.1:001 0
2 2
2L52.1:002 4
12 13
2L52.1:003 7
8 7
2L52.1:004 6
4 4
2L52.1:005 9
6 16
2L52.1:006 6
4 13
2L52.1:001 4
2L52.1:002 20
2L52.1:003 8
2L52.1:004 7
2L52.1:005 14
2L52.1:006 12
> head(fData(ecs))
geneID exonID testable dispBeforeSharing dispFitted dispersion
pvalue padjust chr start end strand transcripts
2L52.1:001 2L52.1 E001 FALSE NA 0.5145
0.5145 NA NA chrII 1867 1911 + 2L52.1
2L52.1:002 2L52.1 E002 TRUE 1.39e-01 0.0899
0.1391 NA NA chrII 2506 2694 + 2L52.1
2L52.1:003 2L52.1 E003 TRUE 9.56e-10 0.1436
0.1436 NA NA chrII 2738 2888 + 2L52.1
2L52.1:004 2L52.1 E004 TRUE 2.52e-10 0.2022
0.2022 NA NA chrII 2931 3036 + 2L52.1
2L52.1:005 2L52.1 E005 TRUE 2.16e-09 0.0979
0.0979 NA NA chrII 3406 3552 + 2L52.1
2L52.1:006 2L52.1 E006 TRUE 2.46e-09 0.1238
0.1238 NA NA chrII 3802 3984 + 2L52.1
# Size factors
> ecs<- estimateSizeFactors(ecs)
# Dispersion
> ecs<- estimateDispersions(ecs)
# Fit Dispersion
> ecs<- fitDispersionFunction(ecs)
# Plot Individual exons via mean expression
> meanvalues<- rowMeans(counts(ecs))
> plot(meanvalues, fData(ecs)$dispBeforeSharing, log="xy",
main="mean vs CR dispersion")
> x<- 0.01:max(meanvalues)
> y<- ecs@dispFitCoefs[1] + ecs@dispFitCoefs[2] / x
> lines(x, y, col="red")
# Plot looks good
# Test for Expression Difference
> test<- testForDEU(ecs)
# Seems to work
> ecs<- estimatelog2FoldChanges(ecs)
> res1<- DEUresultTable(ecs)
geneID exonID dispersion pvalue padjust meanBase
2L52.1:001 2L52.1 E001 0.5145 NA NA 2.01
2L52.1:002 2L52.1 E002 0.1391 NA NA 12.25
2L52.1:003 2L52.1 E003 0.1436 NA NA 7.45
2L52.1:004 2L52.1 E004 0.2022 NA NA 5.22
2L52.1:005 2L52.1 E005 0.0979 NA NA 11.18
2L52.1:006 2L52.1 E006 0.1238 NA NA 8.71
> table(res1$padjust< 0.1)
# Are there any p-values?
> table(res1$pvalue< 1)
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