Import sequences from MacClade 4.*
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Brian ▴ 20
Last seen 10.1 years ago
Hello List, sorry if this is a stupid question, but I am returning some old sequences that I have laying around, the program is a mac program called MacClade, but the sequence file looks like: #NEXUS [MacClade 4.03 registered to University] BEGIN DATA; DIMENSIONS NTAX=53 NCHAR=673; FORMAT DATATYPE=DNA MISSING=? GAP=- INTERLEAVE ; MATRIX [ 10 20 30 40 50 60] [ . . . . . .] [Modal TGAACCTGCGGAAGGAAAATATTATTGAATATATTTTTTA] AI1A TGAACCTGCGGAACGAAAATATTATTGAATATATTTTTTA [60] ... Does this look familiar to anyone? Did I overlook some function in the "seqinr" package? Before I write some function to get the sequences out for me. Thanks for the help! Cheers, Brian
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Last seen 10.1 years ago
Brian, Your sequence alignment is in NEXUS format. Most likely the function in the ape package (in CRAN) will be able read it. Cheers, Jarno [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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Brian ▴ 20
Last seen 10.1 years ago
Hi again, so after a bit of R-programming fun I wrote the following. I realize now that that was actually a sequence alignment and not a typical sequence file. Nonetheless, should anyone be tasked with rooting up old data from a macclade file then, as promised: read.macclade <- function(file, raw.sequences=TRUE, return.metadata=FALSE,...){ ## file - path to file ## return.metadata - return the metadata from the mcclade file ## ... - Additional arguments to "readLines" function seqs <- readLines(file) seqs.metadata.ind <- grep("^BEGIN|^MATRIX", seqs) seqs.metadata <- seqs[(seqs.metadata.ind[1]+1):(seqs.metadata.ind[2]-1)] ## Get the sequences seqs.modal_index <- grep("^\\[Modal",seqs) seq_end <- grep("END",seqs)[1] seqs_sub <- seqs[(seqs.modal_index[1]+2):(seq_end-2)] seqs_sub.modal_index <- grep("^\\[Modal",seqs_sub) seqs.modal <- seqs[seqs.modal_index] ## Get the lines seqs_sub <- grep("^[[:alnum:]]",seqs_sub,value=T) ## Cut it up seqs_list_raw <- sapply(seq(seqs_sub), function(x)grep(".", unlist(strsplit(x=seqs_sub[x], split="[[:blank:]]")),value=TRUE)) ## Put everything together seqs.unique <- unique(seqs_list_raw[1,]) seqs_index <- sapply(seqs.unique,function(seq)grep(seq,seqs_list_raw[1,])) seqs_vect <- sapply(seqs.unique,function(seq) paste(seqs_list_raw[2,seqs_index[,seq]],collapse="")) seqs_lengths <- sapply(seqs.unique,function(seq) gsub(pattern="\\[|\\]", replacement="", x=seqs_list_raw[3,max(seqs_index[,seq])])) if(raw.sequences) { seqs_raw <- sapply(seqs_vect,function(seq) gsub("[[:punct:]]",replacement="",seq)) return(seqs_raw) } else { if(return.metadata) {return(list(seqs.metadata, seqs_vect,seqs_lengths)) } else { print(seqs_lengths); print(seqs.metadata); seqs_vect} } } Sorry if it looks ugly... but it works Cheers, Brian

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