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Richard Friedman
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear All,
Is it necessary to save Spot output outside of R and then
reread it
into marrayInput?
Is there anyway to use marrayInput on the output from Spot directly?
If so, can someone please give me an example of R instructions for
doing this.
Thanks and best wishes,
Richard A. Friedman, PhD
Associate Research Scientist
Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center
Oncoinformatics Core
Department of Biomedical Informatics
Box 95, Room 130BB or P&S 1-420C
Columbia University Medical Center
630 W. 168th St.
New York, NY 10032
(212)305-6901 (5-6901) (voice)
"The sattelite Israeli. Moscow Sapplied the rocket. This one is called
AMOS-2. AMOS-1 went out in 1996. It was smaller than AMOS-2. It was
launched in Kazakhstan.It is going to be used for celphones, T.V. and
radio". - Rose Friedman, age 7