Rgraphviz and node label placement
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Last seen 9.6 years ago
United Kingdom
Hello List Is is possible to place node labels below nodes rather than within them in Rgraphiviz? In the graph below I would like to plot labels below the nodes because many labels are too long to fit within the nodes. library(GO.db) library(GOstats) library(Rgraphviz) GOlist <- c('GO:0031994', 'GO:0043559', 'GO:0048186', 'GO:0048185', 'GO:0016362', 'GO:0070411', 'GO:0019838') # get interesting GOMF cats # plot the sig GOMF and ancestors testG <- GOGraph(GOlist, GOMFPARENTS) # Put root node on the top, transpose adjacency matrix testG <- as(t(as(testG, 'matrix')), 'graphNEL') #plot the graph (coloured to show sig) with ancestors # 1. get terms for labels theTerms = as.character(sapply(mget(nodes(testG), GOTERM), Term)) #get the terms names(theTerms) = nodes(testG) #name the terms # 2. set up graph parameters graph.par(list(nodes=list(label=theTerms, shape='rect', fontsize=36.0), edges=list(lwd=1))) # 3. set up sig node pars sigCol <- rep('lightgrey', length(GOlist)) # set a colour for the sigCats sigShape <- rep('ellipse', length(GOlist)) # set a shape for the sigCats sizeList <- rep(42, length(GOlist)) # set a character size for the sigCats names(sigCol) <- names(sigShape) <- names(sizeList) <- GOlist # make named lists #info for the nodes width <- rep(14, length(nodes(testG)))#define a custom width height <- rep(6, length(nodes(testG)))#define a custom height names(width) = names(height) = nodes(testG)#make named vectors nodeAttrs <- list(label=theTerms, width=width, height=height)#use width & height for nodes and terms for labels nodeRenderInfo(testG) <- list(label=theTerms, fill=sigCol, shape=sigShape, width=width, height=height, fontsize=sizeList) # put together in a list of lists # render the plot testLayout <- layoutGraph(testG, layoutType='dot') renderGraph(testLayout) best & thanks iain > sessionInfo() R version 2.14.2 (2012-02-29) Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) locale:  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_GB.utf8       LC_NUMERIC=C  [3] LC_TIME=en_GB.utf8        LC_COLLATE=en_GB.utf8  [5] LC_MONETARY=en_GB.utf8    LC_MESSAGES=en_GB.utf8  [7] LC_PAPER=C                LC_NAME=C  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C              LC_TELEPHONE=C [11] LC_MEASUREMENT=en_GB.utf8 LC_IDENTIFICATION=C attached base packages: [1] grid      stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets methods [8] base other attached packages: [1] Rgraphviz_1.32.0      GOstats_2.20.0        graph_1.32.0 [4] Category_2.20.0       GO.db_2.6.1           RSQLite_0.11.1 [7] DBI_0.2-5             AnnotationDbi_1.16.13 Biobase_2.14.0 loaded via a namespace (and not attached):  [1] annotate_1.32.1   genefilter_1.36.0 GSEABase_1.16.0 IRanges_1.12.6  [5] RBGL_1.30.1       splines_2.14.2    survival_2.36-12 tools_2.14.2  [9] XML_3.9-4         xtable_1.7-0 > [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
GO graph GO graph • 1.2k views

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