Affymetrix Tag3
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Julia Reid ▴ 20
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Can anyone point me to code designed specifically for analysis of Affymetrix Tag3 array data? Much appreciated, Julia Reid
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Last seen 10.5 years ago
i dont think there is a package. below is a function i wrote for some folks here at jhu. you need the makecdfenv and affy packages for it to run. you need the TAG3 CDF and a TAG3info txt file with whats up and whats dn. if you, or anybody out there, wants to turn this into a formal package, let me know. ##THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. ReadTAG3 <- function(filename="Tag3_ID.txt", CDFfile = "TAG_3.CDF", CELfiles = NULL, compress.cel = FALSE, compress.cdf = FALSE, verbose = T, chip.names = NULL, rm.mask = FALSE, rm.outliers = FALSE, rm.extra = FALSE, = NULL, ...) { ##FIRST CHOOSE FILES ##with widget ##or without files <- list.files(...) if (is.null(CDFfile)) CDFfile <- files[grep(".[cC][dD][fF]", files)] if (length(CDFfile) != 1) stop(paste("CDFfile is not specified,exactly one CDF file must exist in path.\n")) if (is.null(CELfiles)) CELfiles <- files[grep(".[cC][eE][lL]", files)] nchips <- length(CELfiles) if (nchips < 1) stop(paste("CELfiles is not specified, at least one CEL file must exist in path.\n")) if (is.null(chip.names)) { chip.names <- CELfiles chip.names <- as.character(sapply(chip.names, function(x) strsplit(x,"\.")[[1]][1])) } else { if (length(chip.names) != nchips) { warning("Not the same number of chips than chip names. Assigning names from file.\n") chip.names <- CELfiles chip.names <- as.character(sapply(chip.names, function(x) strsplit(x,"\.")[[1]][1])) } } if (verbose) cat("reading CDF file\n") cdf <- read.cdffile(CDFfile, compress = compress.cdf) if (verbose) cat("processing information\n") info <- read.table(filename,header=T,sep="\t", upordown <- info[,"Plate"] upordown <- sapply(upordown,function(x) if(length(grep("U",x)>0)) return("U") else return("D")) geneNames <- info[,"Name"] tagNames <- info[,""] names(geneNames) <- tagNames names(upordown) <- tagNames probeNames <- cdf@name.levels[as.vector(cdf@name)] nrow <- dim(cdf@name)[1] ncol <- dim(cdf@name)[2] xs <- rep(0:(nrow-1), ncol) ys <- rep(0:(ncol-1), rep(nrow, ncol)) Index <- probeNames%in%tagNames mmindex <- which(ys%%4==2 & Index) pmindex <- which(ys%%4==1 & Index) cpmindex <- pmindex+2*nrow cmmindex <- mmindex+2*nrow probeNames <- probeNames[pmindex] nprob <- length(pmindex) x <- xs[pmindex] y <- ys[pmindex] pm <- matrix(0, nprob, nchips) mm <- matrix(0, nprob, nchips) cpm <- matrix(0,nprob, nchips) cmm <- matrix(0,nprob, nchips) if (verbose) cat("reading", nchips, "CEL files") for (i in 1:nchips) { aux <- as.vector(read.affybatch(filenames=CELfiles[i])@exprs) if (nrow * ncol != length(aux)) stop(paste(CELfiles[i], "doesn't match with CDFfile\n")) pm[, i] <- aux[pmindex] mm[, i] <- aux[mmindex] cpm[, i] <- aux[cpmindex] cmm[, i] <- aux[cmmindex] if (verbose) cat(".") } if (verbose) cat("\npreparing probe level object\n") ## generate probenames for each probe using cdf@name.levels and probe.ids probe.ids <- as.vector(cdf@name)[pmindex] probe.names <- cdf@name.levels[probe.ids] colnames(pm) <- chip.names rownames(pm) <- probeNames colnames(mm) <- chip.names rownames(mm) <- probeNames colnames(cpm) <- chip.names rownames(cpm) <- probeNames colnames(cmm) <- chip.names rownames(cmm) <- probeNames list(pm=pm,mm=mm,cpm=cpm,cmm=cmm,geneNames=geneNames[probeNames], probeNames=probeNames,upordown=upordown[probeNames],x=x,y=y) } On Mon, 19 Apr 2004, Julia Reid wrote: > Can anyone point me to code designed specifically for analysis of > Affymetrix Tag3 array data? > Much appreciated, > Julia Reid > > _______________________________________________ > Bioconductor mailing list > > >

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