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Gabriel Wajnberg
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I'm testing RINGO on an agilent chip on chip array with this geo
Well, i've already understood something about the data, for example
are two different chips, one with probes for chromosomes 1 to 10
and other
for chromosomes 11 to X and Y.
So I 've got this RG vector... where $R are methilated signals and
$G are
genomic dna control.... and we have samples using wild type
cells (
array1_wt) and double knockouts cells (array2_dko), I would like to
it , normalize intensities....
when I try preprocess this what happens:
> X <- preprocess(RG[RG$genes$ControlT==0,])
Error: idColumn %in% names(myRG$genes) is not TRUE
so what do I do ? How can I preprocess and normalize the data?
> show(RG)
Loading required package: limma
An object of class "RGList"
array1_dko array1_wt
[1,] 291.53850 339.50000
[2,] 78.48148 90.24138
[3,] 89.00000 98.46154
[4,] 387.67860 455.17240
[5,] 718.86670 749.81480
41915 more rows ...
array1_dko array1_wt
[1,] 54 54
[2,] 54 54
[3,] 54 54
[4,] 56 54
[5,] 54 54
41915 more rows ...
array1_dko array1_wt
[1,] 426.6538 446.3846
[2,] 82.7037 101.9655
[3,] 102.4333 113.1538
[4,] 554.7857 665.8276
[5,] 1108.6670 1008.6670
41915 more rows ...
array1_dko array1_wt
[1,] 71 70
[2,] 70 70
[3,] 71 70
[4,] 70 69
[5,] 72 69
41915 more rows ...
array1_dko array1_dko.txt
array1_wt array1_wt.txt
Row Col ProbeUID ControlType ProbeName GeneName
1 1 1 0 1 BrightCorner BrightCorner
2 1 2 1 -1 (-)3xSLv1 NegativeControl
3 1 3 2 0 A_76_P0137287 OCM
4 1 4 4 0 A_76_P0137107 DEC1
5 1 5 6 0 A_76_P0136934 LSM6
SystematicName Description
1 BrightCorner
2 NegativeControl
3 chr7:97264626-97264686 PROMOTER
4 chr9:114982789-114982849 PROMOTER
5 chr4:147454740-147454800 INSIDE
41915 more rows ...
[1] "agilent"
Gabriel Wajnberg
Mestrando em Biologia Computacional e Sistemas - Instituto Oswaldo
Cruz -
Fiocruz - RJ
Laborat??rio de Bioinform??tica e Biologia Computacional (LBBC)
Coordena????o de Pesquisa (CPQ)
Instituto Nacional de C??ncer (INCA)
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Tel: (21) 3207-6546
Cel: (21) 9313-2160
1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE9267