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Andrea Grilli
Last seen 9.8 years ago
Italy, Bologna, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Ins…
Dear all,
I'm performing an analysis on HGU133plus2 arrays with 40 samples;
looking at their surface with "affyPLM" package, I've seen a couple of
arrays with small scratches and one more with a small bubble. Because
I don't want to exclude these arrays (according to Murphys' law 2 on 3
belong to the class with less samples), I want to detect those probes
and to exclude them.
I was thinking in some outlier detection method, but because I'm new
to this problem I don't know if this is the right method and which
packages can be appropriate (did some research but I've no clear
Any help is really appreciated,
Dr. Andrea Grilli
andrea.grilli at ior.it
phone 051/63.66.756
Laboratory of Experimental Oncology,
Development of Biomolecular Therapies unit,
Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute
Codivilla Putti Research Center
via di Barbiano 1/10
40136 - Bologna - Italy