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Mitchell, Sara N
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear All,
I am currently using an Agilent 4x44K model organism mosquito array
for a one color time-course course experiment. I am analyzing using
the LIMMA package and have performed background correction and between
array normalization as follows.
RoBb.corr <- backgroundCorrect(RoB, method="normexp", offset=16)
RoBb.corr.norm <- normalizeBetweenArrays(RoBb.corr, method="quantile")
However, after background correction the boxplot for a number of
arrays become compressed (see example here:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/407047/Work/Catteruccia/minExample.html ).
I am not sure what is causing this compression although the quantile
between array normalisation seems to correct for this
. However I am concerned about the possible affect on the data. Has
anyone else seen this compression with normexp correction?
I have read that background correction is not always optimal for
Agilent arrays (Zahurak et al. 2007 BMC Bioinformatics).
Do others routinely omit the background correction for Agilent arrays?
Best regards
Dr Sara Mitchell
Imperial College London
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