i have a proper count table of RNA-Seq and i have applied edgeR
package for obtaining differentially expressed genes and I have
obtained nice acceptable result.
But now I am applying also DESeq over the same data but the pval and
padj columns of the nbinomTest over them is strange, it is almost 1.00
or NA.
Why is this so?
thanks a lot for your answers in advance
-- output of sessionInfo():
> head (res$padj)
[1] 1 NA 1 1 1 1
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On 2012-06-26 15:58, narges [guest] wrote:
> i have a proper count table of RNA-Seq and i have applied edgeR
package for obtaining differentially expressed genes and I have
obtained nice acceptable result.
> But now I am applying also DESeq over the same data but the pval and
padj columns of the nbinomTest over them is strange, it is almost 1.00
or NA.
> Why is this so?
You know, we are not clairvoyants. Without any more information about
your experiment and data, and without seeing the R code that you used
perform the analyses, any answer would just be guessing.
Most likely you made a mistake in using the software. Or, maybe the
tools do come to different conclusions about the signal-to-noise ratio
of your data.
EdgeR and DESeq use similar but not identical methods. I understand
you prefer the result that says that your experiment worked, but this
does not seem a good argument to decide which method is correct.