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Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am using R 2.15.0 and following a tutoiral by Daniel Gusenleitner
(5/23/2011) for GSEAlm. I am using Agilent probes.
I am getting : " Error in binaryGeneSet[probesOfGeneSet] <- 1 : object
'binaryGeneSet' not found "
1. "We start by loading the fi le into R, and splitting each line at
the tabs"
>setwd("C:/Documents and Settings/wg025/Desktop")
> c5.bp.v3.0.symbols` <- read.delim("C:/Documents and
Settings/wg025/Desktop/c5.bp.v3.0.symbols.gmt", header=F)
+ >
> c5.bp.v3.0.symbols <- read.delim("C:/Documents and
Settings/wg025/Desktop/c5.bp.v3.0.symbols.gmt", header=F)
> View(`c5.bp.v3.0.symbols`)
> names(c5.bp.v3.0.symbols) <- sapply(c5.bp.v3.0.symbols, function(x)
> c5.bp.v3.0.symbols <- sapply(c5.bp.v3.0.symbols, function(x)
> allGenes <- unique(unlist(c5.bp.v3.0.symbols))
2. The next step is to use the 1st elements of each line as identi ers
afterwards dropping the rst two elements so that each gene set only
the actual genes:
>names(c5.bp.v3.0.symbols) <- sapply(c5.bp.v3.0.symbols, function(x)
> c5.bp.v3.0.symbols <- sapply(c5.bp.v3.0.symbols, function(x)
3. We can use the Bioconductor package biomaRt to map the genes.
> allGenes <- unique(unlist(c5.bp.v3.0.symbols))
> c5.bp.v3.0.symbols <- t(c5.bp.v3.0.symbols)
save(c5.bp.v3.0.symbols, file = "c5.bp.v3.0.symbols.RData")
> load("c5.bp.v3.0.symbols.RData")
> pVals = gsealmPerm(breastCancer, disease_type, c5.bp.v3.0.symbols,
nperm = 1000)
Error: could not find function "gsealmPerm"
> ensembl = useMart("ensembl", dataset = "mmusculus_gene_ensembl")
> geneMaps <- getBM(attributes = c("ensembl_gene_id", "mgi_symbol"),
filters="mgi_symbol", values =allGenes, mart=ensembl)
> head(geneMaps)
ensembl_gene_id mgi_symbol
1 ENSMUSG00000022534 Mefv
2 ENSMUSG00000049871 Nlrc3
3 ENSMUSG00000022521 Crebbp
4 ENSMUSG00000005718 Tfap4
5 ENSMUSG00000014303 Glis2
6 ENSMUSG00000078135 Eid1
> geneMaps <- geneMaps[!geneMaps[, 2] == "", ]
4. "Biobase"
[1] "Biobase"
>mapGeneSet <- function(geneSet, geneMap, binaryGeneSet) {
+ probesOfGeneSet <- geneMap[geneMap[, 1] %in% geneSet, 2]
+ binaryGeneSet[probesOfGeneSet] <- 1
+ return(binaryGeneSet)
+ }
> c5.bp.v3.0.symbols <- sapply(c5.bp.v3.0.symbols, mapGeneSet,
geneMaps, binaryGeneSet)
Error in binaryGeneSet[probesOfGeneSet] <- 1 :
object 'binaryGeneSet' not found
Thank you very much for any help.
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