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wang peter
Last seen 10.3 years ago
how to design a model matrix and test by edgeR
dear all:
my data is composed of 35 samples, have two factor
time and treatment
1. The first question is
i want to find DE genes (6h.treatment-0h.treatment)-(6h.control-
how to design the model? please tell me if the design and test is
such is my coding.
2. the second question is
should i use samples involved 6h and 0h to do glmFitting
or use all of 35 samples to do?
i think i should use all
raw.data <- read.table("expression-table.txt",row.names=1)
lib_size <- read.table("lib_size.txt");
lib_size <- unlist(lib_size)
d <- DGEList(counts = raw.data, lib.size = lib_size)
dge <- calcNormFactors(dge)
design <- model.matrix(~time*treatment)
dge <- estimateGLMCommonDisp(dge, design)
dge <- estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(dge, design)
glmfit.dge <- glmFit(dge, design,dispersion=dge$common.dispersion)
lrt.dge <- glmLRT(dge, glmfit.dge, coef=13)
result <- topTags(lrt.dge, adjust.method="BH", sort.by="logFC")
shan gao
Room 231(Dr.Fei lab)
Boyce Thompson Institute
Cornell University
Tower Road, Ithaca, NY 14853-1801
Office phone: 1-607-254-1267(day)
Official email:sg839 at cornell.edu