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Martin O'Hare
Last seen 10.6 years ago
Dear list,
I am working with Affymetrix Human Gene 1.1-ST Arrays. My data is pre-
process with RMA in the oligo Package and the limma Package is
utilized to assess differential expression (lmFit and eBayes).
I get a high number of DE genes. Most of these belong to Category:
Main. However, some of them, belongs to other categories such as
normgene->intron, control->affx, normgene->exon. I have the same
problem also when pre-processing with Plier (we get data from core
facility pre-processed with Plier) and/or doing the statistics in SAM.
Of course, it's easy to remove everything that do not belong to Main
in the DE list.
As I understand it, empirical Bayes takes into consideration the full
data set. Removing all other categories, some of them which are not
supposed to be changed between experiments, before statistics will
affect the outcome of the test (DE list). However, I have never been
interested in the other categories to start with.
So, my question is what your stand point is regarding filtering out
everything that do not belong to Category: Main before doing
Best regards
Martin O'Hare
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