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Mark Cowley
Last seen 10.3 years ago
Hi Seungyeul,
Thanks for the bug report. This boiled down to the probeID setting not
working, which i've now fixed. ConvertNuID is not a valid parameter to
lumiR.idat, since I now provide more probe-naming options via probeID,
specifically, setting probeID="NuID" does the same thing as lumiR(...,
ConvertNuID=TRUE, ...)
As for naming rows by Entrez ID's, you can do this by using the BioC
annotation packages from Mark Dunning. eg
# and specifically, the illuminaHumanv4ENTREZID object
# hint:
[1] "ILMN_1343048" "ILMN_1343049" "ILMN_1343050" "ILMN_1343052"
[6] "ILMN_1343061" "ILMN_1343062" "ILMN_1343063" "ILMN_1343064"
[1] "1" "2" "3" "9" "10" "11" "12" "13" "14" "15"
On 01/09/2012, at 6:35 AM, Yoo, Seungyeul wrote:
> Dear Mark,
> Thanks for sharing "lumidat" package with me. I think it works fine
now. But I'm wondering if an argument "convertNuID" is available in
lumiR.idat(). When I ran it it failed with error like following.
> > res<-lumiR.idat(filenames,manifestfile="HumanHT-
> java -Xmx1024m -jar /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.15/Re
/var/folders/q6/hny37vrd5wx_77gpj71ng3cw0000gn/T//RtmpHnCFD6 -bg false
-collapse none -manifestfile HumanHT-12_V4_0_R1_15002873_B.txt
'8473515005_A_Grn.idat' '8473515005_B_Grn.idat'
'8473515005_C_Grn.idat' '8473515005_D_Grn.idat'
'8473515005_E_Grn.idat' '8473515005_F_Grn.idat'
'8473515005_G_Grn.idat' '8473515005_H_Grn.idat'
'8473515005_I_Grn.idat' '8473515005_J_Grn.idat'
'8473515005_K_Grn.idat' '8473515005_L_Grn.idat'
> iDAT files: [8473515005_A_Grn.idat, 8473515005_B_Grn.idat,
8473515005_C_Grn.idat, 8473515005_D_Grn.idat, 8473515005_E_Grn.idat,
8473515005_F_Grn.idat, 8473515005_G_Grn.idat, 8473515005_H_Grn.idat,
8473515005_I_Grn.idat, 8473515005_J_Grn.idat, 8473515005_K_Grn.idat,
> Wrote: Sample Probe Profile.txt
> Wrote: Control Probe Profile.txt
> Error in lumiR(files[1], detectionTh = detectionTh, na.rm = na.rm,
convertNuID = FALSE, :
> formal argument "convertNuID" matched by multiple actual arguments
> If I remove convertNuID=TRUE, it works fine but featureNames are
defined by ProbeID.
> After I read this I want to play with matrix generated by "exprs()"
and rownames is always same with probeID.
> There is an another argument in lumiR.idat, probeID. However, there
is no changes when I select ProbeID or NuID.
> I want the rownames are NuID or EntrezID at the end. And can you
please let me know how I can do it?
> Best regards,
> Seungyeul Yoo
> Postdoctoral Fellow
> Jun Zhu's Laboratory
> Institute of Genomics and Multiscale Biology
> Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences
> Mount Sinai School of Medicine
> (office) 212-659-6877
> On Aug 27, 2012, at 8:40 PM, Mark Cowley wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I have been developing 'lumidat' which provides equivalents to
lumi::lumiR and limma::read.ilmn which accept idat files. There's no
compiled code (java handles the decryption), so it's easy to install
on linux or mac.
>> I've used it on hundreds of arrays, so please contact me if you're
interested in testing it out.
>> cheers,
>> Mark
>> On 28/08/2012, at 9:20 AM, Kasper Daniel Hansen wrote:
>>> You / we / someone should consider wrapping this into a more easy
>>> install package, together with crlmm::readIDAT (and in case there
>>> other Illumina parsing functions around, they could be included as
>>> well). What is the license for openssl?
>>> Kasper
>>> On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 3:12 PM, Mike Smith <grimbough@gmail.com>
>>>> Hi Seungyeul,
>>>> IDATreader's a pretty experimental package, but it's worked on
the few
>>>> systems I've tested it on. The reliance on third party libraries
>>>> why I've not submitted it to Bioconductor, so they may be causing
>>>> problems.
>>>> I'm not sure why you're using source(), rather than loading the
>>>> package via library(). Have you installed the package, or just
>>>> unzipped it and grabbed the .R file? It need to be installed in
>>>> to build the DLL and link against the decryption routines. To do
>>>> you need to download the tar.gz from the website you linked to
>>>> then run
>>>> R CMD INSTALL IDATreader_0.1.1.tar.gz
>>>> in a terminal to installed the package. You then need to load it
>>>> library(IDATreader)
>>>> in your R session, rather than using source().
>>>> Hopefully that's of some help,
>>>> Mike
>>>> On 22 August 2012 23:35, Yoo, Seungyeul <seungyeul.yoo@mssm.edu>
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I'm trying to analyze Illumina array of gene expression. The
file format is .idat which is encrypted data.
>>>>> I downloaded IDATreader packages as Mike suggested in some of
previous post. I also install openssl for my mac os x.
>>>>> But when I tried to read idat file error message is prompted.
>>>>> source("/Library/R/readIDAT.R")
>>>>> filenames<-dir(patter="idat")
>>>>> idat<-readIDAT(file=filenames[1])
>>>>>> idat<-readIDAT(file=filenames[1])
>>>>> Decrypting to XML
>>>>> Error in .C("decryptSSL", as.character(file),
as.character(tempFile), :
>>>>> C symbol name "decryptSSL" not in DLL for package "IDATreader"
>>>>>> sessionInfo()
>>>>> R version 2.15.0 (2012-03-30)
>>>>> Platform: i386-apple-darwin9.8.0/i386 (32-bit)
>>>>> locale:
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> attached base packages:
>>>>> [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods
>>>>> other attached packages:
>>>>> [1] BiocInstaller_1.4.7
>>>>> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
>>>>> [1] tools_2.15.0
>>>>> Please let me have any advices to solve this problem.
>>>>> Seungyeul Yoo
>>>>> Postdoctoral Fellow
>>>>> Jun Zhu's Laboratory
>>>>> Institute of Genomics and Multiscale Biology
>>>>> Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences
>>>>> Mount Sinai School of Medicine
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>>>> --
>>>> Mike Smith
>>>> PhD Student
>>>> Computational Biology Group
>>>> Cambridge University
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