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Adrian Johnson
Last seen 4.7 years ago
Dear group,
Pardon me for re-post.
I am writing to seek some help in interpreting MetaArray poe.mcmc
After running poe.mcmc, the resulting results object is a complicated
result ( I have biology training and minimal statistics).
I am trying to extract those genes that are consistently
differentially expressed (over-expressed in condition 1 - metastasis)
across all 3 datasets given in test data.
The result object poeRes has following names
> names(poeRes)
[1] "alpha" "mug" "kappaposg" "kappanegg"
[6] "piposg" "pinegg" "mu" "tausqinv"
[11] "lambda" "pil.pos.mean" "pil.pos.prec" "pil.neg.mean"
[16] "kap.pos.rate" "kap.neg.rate" "poe" "accept"
How do I choose those genes that are over or under-expressed in
metastatic tumors compared to normals. I have 0 in accept.
I do not know which object (alpha, mug, kappa pos and neg, pi pos and
neg, mu, tau, gamma, lambda etc..) has the result to pick from.
The vignette does not have additional details on interpretation.
Could Drs. Choi or Ghosh, please help.