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Fong Chun Chan
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hi Valarie,
Thanks for the reply. I was testing this and it doesn't seem to work
the summarizeOverlaps() function. When I try it, I get this error:
countsForIntrons <- summarizeOverlaps(intronsByGene, reads);
Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
unable to find an inherited method for function summarizeOverlaps
signature "GRangesList", "GRanges"
Is it supposed to be countOverlaps() instead of summarizeOverlap()?
On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 12:23 PM, Valerie Obenchain
> Hi Fong,
> We don't have a single function call to get introns by gene but you
> put one together in a few steps.
> library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.**hg19.knownGene)
> txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.**knownGene
> Specifying use.names = TRUE puts the transcript names on the
> introns <- intronsByTranscript(txdb, use.names=TRUE)
> Unlist and remove duplicate introns.
> ulst <- unlist(introns)
> intronsNoDups <- ulst[!duplicated(ulst)]
> The select() function can map txid to geneid (and others). See
> txnames <- names(intronsNoDups)
> map <- select(txdb, keys=txnames, keytype='TXNAME',
> Not all transcripts are associated with a gene id and some are
> with more than one.
> > head(map, 10)
> 1 uc001aaa.3 <na>
> 2 uc001aaa.3 <na>
> 3 uc010nxq.1 <na>
> 4 uc010nxq.1 <na>
> 5 uc010nxr.1 <na>
> 6 uc010nxr.1 <na>
> 7 uc009vjk.2 100133331
> 8 uc009vjk.2 100133331
> 9 uc001aau.3 100132287
> 10 uc021oeh.1 100133331
> To get a GRangesList of introns by gene, split the introns on the
> associated gene id.
> idx <- map$GENEID[!is.na(map$GENEID)]
> intronsByGene <- split(intronsNoDups[!is.na(**map$GENEID)], idx)
> names(intronsByGene) <- unique(idx)
> The list names are geneid and the element rownames are txid.
> > intronsByGene
> GRangesList of length 19784:
> $100133331
> GRanges with 13 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
> seqnames ranges strand
> <rle> <iranges> <rle>
> uc002qsd.4 chr19 [58858396, 58858718] -
> uc002qsd.4 chr19 [58859007, 58861735] -
> uc002qsd.4 chr19 [58862018, 58862756] -
> ...
> $100132287
> GRanges with 1 range and 0 metadata columns:
> seqnames ranges strand
> uc003wyw.1 chr8 [18248856, 18257507] +
> To count reads against this annotation you can use
> The 'reads' can be Bam files, GappedAlignments or
GappedAlignmentPairs. The
> 'features' argument will be the GRangesList of introns by gene. The
> will be counts per gene.
> To count just introns with no grouping you can still use
> summarizeOverlaps() but use the 'intronsNoDups' GRanges object as
> 'features'.
> Valerie
> On 01/29/2013 11:38 AM, Fong Chun Chan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using the R package, Genomic Features, to get Intron
Expression and
>> the function that I am using is the intronsByTranscript(). While
>> function is useful, it returns the number of raw reads that align
to each
>> intron grouped at the transcript level. Is there an easy way to get
it to
>> group it by a gene such that I am grabbing all the introns that
fall in
>> all
>> the transcripts belong to a gene (and without double counting the
>> space).
>> Similar, is there a way to easily get the raw read count at an
>> intron level rather than having it grouped? The introns() function
>> to
>> be defunct now as it recommends that we use the
>> function.
>> Thanks,
>> Fong
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Hi Valerie,
I am trying to do the same analysis as Fong i.e. count introns. I made a GRangesList of introns by gene as you described and also made a GRangesList of exons by gene using "exonsByGene <- exonsBy(txdb, by = c("gene"))." I wanted to test out counting using summarizeOverlaps and so I tested it out by counting exonsByGene and comparing the results I got with the count results obtained from HTSeq-count. My results are different despite using the same .gtf annotation file. The command I used for summarizeOverlaps is:
exon_counts <- summarizeOverlaps(exonsByGene, reads = pathtoFiles, singleEnd = FALSE, ignore.strand = FALSE, fragments=FALSE)
I also tried using the option ignore.strand=TRUE.
and my HTSeq-counts command is:
htseq-count -m union -s reverse -i gene_id -f bam -r pos pathtobamfile annotation.gtf > outputfile
How can I setup summarizeOverlaps so that the read counts result is the same as the HTSeq-count result?
I apologize for latching onto this thread, I didn't know if proper etiquette requires to ask a new question or just follow up on a pre-existing one.