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Dear all,
I am working with microRNA data and as it is very new to me, I have
some general questions. I'm hoping that some people on this list who
know more about microarray analysis and miRNA than myself might be
willing to offer some opinions/advice.
First, when doing quality checks on the data, how useful is it to look
at the RNA degradation plots with miRNA, given how short miRNAs are?
Second, when analysing differential expression (using lmFit and eBayes
in the 'limma' package), I find quite high numbers of probes which are
significantly differentially expressed across my samples (in some
contrasts as many as ~500 out of 4000 probes are significantly
differentially expressed between samples). Is this unusual with miRNA
data? Further, although a lot of these probes are from Drosophila
species (which I expected since my samples are from D. melanogaster),
some are from other insects, and even other phyla (there are some C.
elegans and human miRNA probes which are found to be significantly
differentially expressed, for example).
>From what I have read in the literature so far, there does seem to be
some conservation of miRNAs between diverse species, but I can't find
any information about to what extent I might expect to find this in my
data. I'm a little concerned that this level of homology between
species might be unusual, which would suggest that I've made a mistake
in the analysis.
As I said, I am very new to this, so if anyone is willing to offer
advice or just point me in the direction of some useful information I
could look at myself, then I would really be very grateful.
Many thanks in advance,
Dr Fiona C Ingleby
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
University of Sussex, UK
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