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Last seen 10 months ago
University of Applied Sciences Upper Au…
I am trying to read genotype data from a large VCF file using the
readVcf() function from the VariantAnnotation package. I am not
the entire file (which would crash my R session because of a lack of
memory). Instead, I am reading bunches of SNV data located in 200kbp
regions which I specify by passing a GRanges object to ScanVcfParams()
first. No matter what I do, I get the following error message:
when the supplied 'genome' vector is named, the names must match
As far as I can make sense of this message, it seems that there is
mismatch between the genome characteristics in my GRanges object and
genome characteristics in the VCF file. I dissected the R object
returned by scanVcfHeader() and indeed found some interesting
mismatches: The genome in the VCF file is denoted as "b37" and the
sequence names are not 100% compatible with hg19. The lengths of
chromosomes 1-22, X, and Y do match, but the lengths of mitochondrial
DNA (denoted "M" in gh19 and "MT" in b37) differ by 2. So I forced my
GRanges object to be 100% compatible with the information stored in
VCF file (by copying seqlevels, genome, and seqlengths) and restricted
my analysis to chromosomes 1-22 and X. However, I still get the same
error message.
I also tried to locate the error message in the source code of the
VariantAnnotation package to understand better what the problem is,
I could not find it. It seems the message is produced by a function
VariantAnnotation calls from another package.
Any idea?
Thanks in advance and best regards,
*Dr. Ulrich Bodenhofer*
Associate Professor
Institute of Bioinformatics
*Johannes Kepler University*
Altenberger Str. 69
4040 Linz, Austria
Tel. +43 732 2468 4526
Fax +43 732 2468 4539
bodenhofer at bioinf.jku.at <mailto:bodenhofer at="" bioinf.jku.at="">
http://www.bioinf.jku.at/ <http: www.bioinf.jku.at="">