Dear Ellen,
It is hard to help you because you don't actually show any evidence of problems (small SDs are good, I would have thought, rather than bad), and because you're not using a standard limma analysis pipeline or standard diagnostic plots.
The recommend pipeline would be something like this:
RG <- read.maimages(files, source="genepix")
There is hardly ever any need to set flags or weights, and there is no need for a for-loop.
At this stage it is valuable to set up a status variable to highlight control probes. This is done using readSpotTypes() and controlStatus(). There are lots of examples of this in the User's Guide.
Then you can background correct and normalize with:
RGb <- backgroundCorrect(RG, method="normexp", offset=50)
MA <- normalizeWithinArrays(RGb)
To examine data quality, or to examine the success of the background correction and normalization, the best way is to display MA-plots before and after each step. Eg.
plotMA(RGb, array=1)
plotMA(MA, array=1)
to look at one array at a time, or
to produce a png file of MA-plots for all the arrays at once.
Best wishes Gordon
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