Entering edit mode
Negative values occasionally show up when adjusting for batch or
surrogate values. These are expression values that were likely already
very low. If they bother you, feel free to ignore them or set them
equal to zero.
On Jun 5, 2013, at 3:13 AM, Angela Re wrote:
> Dear Dr. Parker and Dr. Evan,
> I would like to use the 'sva' package to correct the intensity
values in a
> multi-platform microarray analysis for batch effects.
> I applied sva() to get the the surrogate variables followed by
fsva() to
> get the amended version of the initial intensity values. I am not
> interested in the setting training/test samples. Thus in my case
> and 'newdat' coincide.
> I noticed that the correct values can take negative values. Do you
> it is plausible? Which are the implications in the following
> expression setting (which I am interested in)?
> I found the presence of negative correctd values also by applying
> Thank you for your kind attention.
> Best regards
> Angela Re, PhD
> Centre for Integrative Biology (CIBIO)
> via Sommarive 14
> 38123 Povo (TN)
> www.unitn.it/en/cibio
> Mobile phone: (+39) 328 4180132
> Skype ID: ange.re
> E-mail: re at science.unitn.it
> Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/angela-re/b/b58/285