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Hello all,
I'm trying to use the composite method on limma_1.7.2 but I get an
when I normalizeWithinArrays:
Error in predLoess(object$y, object$x, newx, object$s, object$weights,
NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 3)
I have NA values in my data. The "loess" function can handle NA's as
is done in normalizeWithinArrays:
fit <- loess(y ~ x, weights = w, span = span, subset = controlspots,
na.action = na.exclude, degree = 0, surface =
family = "symmetric", trace.hat = "approximate",
iterations = iterations)
but I can't see the same to the "predict" function. I overrided that
modifing normalizeWithinArrays as:
global <- predict(fit, newdata = x)
global <- predict(fit, newdata = x[!is.na(x)])
?Is this a correct way to do that or did I miss something?
Thanks in advance,