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Pilling, Luke
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I am loading 450k methylation data into R and have noticed a
difference in the way that "methylumi" and "minfi" load the IDAT
Each has a dedicated function for this (methylumIDAT() for methylumi,
and read.450k.exp() for minfi), each of which creates an object which
contains the relevant information (MethyLumiSet objects in the first
instance, RGChannelSet objects in the 2nd).
I am finding that the number of "missing" values reported in an array
is much higher in the MethyLumiSet object than the RGChannelSet
object, when I compare the 2 methods on the same IDAT files (this is
before any exclusions, transformations, etc - raw data after import is
To give an example;
I loaded a single array (12 samples) using both methods. I extracted
the betas, and then used the "na.omit()" command to remove any probes
(rows) that have missing values. I find that 988 probes are excluded
from the MethyLumiSet object, but not from the RGChannelSet object (47
probes are omitted from both).
I then wanted to look at the raw data for a probe that is excluded
from MethyLumiSet but not RGChannelSet;
###### First I picked the first probe in this list (excluded from
MethyLumiSet but not RGChannelSet);
> probes.excluded.methylumiset[! probes.excluded.methylumiset %in%
[1] "cg00035864"
###### Then extracted the betas for this probe from both data objects;
> methylumiset.betas[row.names(methylumiset.betas) == "cg00035864"]
[1] NA NA NA NA 0.2101861 0.2584211
NA NA NA NA 0.1878819 NA
> rgchannelset.betas [row.names(rgchannelset.betas) == "cg00035864"]
[1] 0.5665025 0.3771760 0.5247209 0.6393211 0.2101861 0.2584211
0.5242291 0.4642263 0.4795640 0.5143571 0.1878819 0.4678663
I cannot find any reference on the web or in the documentation for
these functions as to why they would treat the raw IDAT data import
differently - any input/insight would be much appreciated.
Many thanks,
Mr. Luke C. Pilling
Associate Research Fellow & PhD Researcher,
Epidemiology and Public Health Group, Medical School, University of
Exeter, U.K.
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