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Peter Baker CMIS, Indooroopilly
Last seen 10.2 years ago
I simply want to download Win32 sources at work for a home machine. My
work machine is a linux box with Bioconductor installed
Just wondering why this doesn't work
> library(reposTools)
> rep22 <- repositories(recurse = TRUE)
and I then select the windows repository
I can download a single package, eg
> download.packages2("edd",repEntry=rep22,type="Win32")
Note: destDir parameter missing, using current directory
[1] "Attempting to download edd from
[1] "Download complete."
[1] "/home/baker/tmp/R-forhome/edd_1.4.0.zip"
but when I try and download all packages I get
> download.packages2(repEntry=rep22,type="Win32") Note: destDir
parameter missing, using current directory
Note: pkgs parameter missing, downloading all packages in repository
and nothing happens.
Alternatively, is there an easy way to get a vector of package
listings and define all packages explicitly. Its not obvious to me how
to do this e.g.
> rep22@repdatadesc
pkgs vers types
[1,] AnnBuilder 1.4.2 Source, Win32
[2,] Biobase 1.4.15 Win32
[3,] Biostrings 1.0.0 Win32
................... 75 other packages deleted
> rep22@repdatadesc["pkgs"]
Comments welcome
Dr Peter Baker, Statistician (Bioinformatics/Genetics),
CSIRO Mathematical & Information Sciences, Queensland Bioscience
306 Carmody Road, St Lucia Qld 4067. Australia.
Email: <peter.baker@csiro.au>
WWW: http://www.cmis.csiro.au/Peter.Baker/
Phone:+61 7 3214 2210 Fax:+61 7 3214 2900