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Stephanie M. Gogarten
Last seen 8 months ago
University of Washington
Hi Shmuel,
There is currently no direct conversion from SnpMatrix to
You can write your own script to create a NetCDF file from a
object using the ncdf package, or use one of the following workflows,
which require creating an intermediate file:
1) write your SnpMatrix object to plain text using write.SnpMatrix,
import the text files to NetCDF using ncdfCreate and ncdfAddData (see
the "Data Cleaning" vignette for an example).
2) write the SnpMatrix object to plink format using write.plink, use
plink to convert bed/bim/fam to ped/map format, then read the ped/map
files with plinkToNcdf. (Unfortunately plinkToNcdf does not currently
read bed files, only ped files.)
Please copy the Bioconductor mailing list (bioconductor at
with any follow-up questions, and use an informative subject line.
best wishes,
On 10/2/13 5:05 AM, Shmuel Leavitt wrote:
> Stephanie M. Gogarten.
> My name is Shmuel Leavitt. I am working on the GWAS data sets of
> I have the datasets now, as SnpMatrix objects.
> I consider to use GWASTools to work on the data (as I need a tool
> will be memory efficient). I understand that there is a way to
> data from a GenotypeData object to snpStats object. Does the
> way work ? meaning, can I convert data stored as a snpStats object
> GenotypeData, so that I can work on the data with Gwas Tools ?
> Thanks in advance.
> Shmuel Leavitt